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Worldclass - Why Hate (A criticism to society)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-02-27 02:00

Worldclass - Why Hate (A criticism to society)


Why hate the fellow man?
Why dont u try to understand?
Hate has anticiapated to our fate/
Its time to act before its to late/

Verse 1
Diversity or die, when did the intolerance peak reached so high?/
Fenotypes decides salary, Govermental bribe still no crime?/
Multinational-companies never get fiened for discrimination/
Overall affermitive aciton is need termination without obligation/
Its crawling under my skin, when i see the corruption within/
Our highly devolped europeen countries about thoose with foreign orgin/
Today im ashamed to be from the west, i must say its a burdon on my chest/
We can only pray that people start confess for them self that We dont help?/
Our fellow man, did u even know about victims of genocide in Darfur or worldwide?
It makes me cry, guilty-tears that will never dry, before we start doing whats-right/
We blame poverty on imigants for being lazy, but they cant get into the labourmarket/
Denmark and the goverment-criminals makes muslims the haters target/
The Influences of neo nazism embarges through out the world/
Just listen to the leaders of Ekstra Bladets words/
”Muslims will kill us all” how can people believe in that/
And how can people accept imigrants beeing compared to rats/

Tycker ni jag ska fortsätta med denna? en vers av 3 är ju klar. Något som bör ändras osv? Tacksam för kritik... peace