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piggelin - Explaining what you know.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-02-22 21:02

piggelin - Explaining what you know.

Hade tråkigt nyss så jag började skriva lite. Ge mig lite konstruktiv kritik så blir jag glad.

Some people listen to hiphop som listen to the misfits/
I could do anything but instead im spilling my time on this shit/
But what is there to do anyway? I mean what the fuck/
I've reached my sweet sixteen but it fucking sucks/
To young for everything i want to do and so on/
4 more years till I can by my own liquor thats wrong/
But if thats how the swedish system works, okey fine/
I'l just move to denmark and get a own place of mine/
And then I can place my mind och things that matter/
I could make out a way to stop people from getting fatter/
It's happening as we're getin' fat half of Africa dies/
None of the great nations tell the truth so they send spy's/
Stel weapon plans, steal money, steal oil/
Use them to kill civilians and after that steal there soil/
Actually I don't care cause im just as bad as ya'll/
I'll just stay here in sweden watching the world fall/

Explaining what you know with lyrics that are gay/
I don't care cause i'll be long gone by doomsday/ X2

We don't care about god cause religion is old school/
Fuck everyone, i want money and a car then im cool/
Expensive clothes, julery and why not plastic surgery/
What have we come to? please god murder me/
And every other human on this planet cause we deserve it/
And I want a good fucking place in heaven so reserve it/
Fuck that, I take it back but please make atleast one president black/
The best thing i can do for humanity is empty my sack/
Cause a son of mine would probably run around selling crack/
I don't say that cause im the worst because we all are bad/
This is geting me mad, the bad temper is from my dad/
Can't stop thinking about "back in the days" and what we had/
I dont even belive this is what i belive, can you belive?
This is only to show keystyle homos what I can achieve/
Sadly this is the end but realy it's not sad at all/
And i don't miss back in the days because my penis was small

Explaining what you know with lyrics that are gay/
I don't care cause i'll be long gone by doomsday/ X2

fullfjädrad när jag kickat en gås..