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Wilén - An Angel Dwellin' Inside

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-02-22 19:10

Wilén - An Angel Dwellin' Inside

I'm alone, but I grab my bible, my book of rhymes
pray for my hype, then let the pen be the smiles and cries
just a lyricist, but ain't no loveless suxxes
got pages in my book with lyrics that's bloodred
from the undead, with hundreads of rhymebooks
pens made of tears and blood, to fight you
the evilness you kill hiphop with a demons bless
I will kill you with on my seeking quest
to find the truth, kill all evil, to bring you back
to a time, far away, with love on all tracks-
take it back to when I wrote rhymes with hieroglyphs
I fear no shit, still actin heroic
while you all come along in a suit and briefcace
ain't in it for love, you sold your roots on ebay
loose your deejay, to find loops on ejay
feelin happy in your jag, ridin the freeway

a kid with an angel dwelling inside
just a kid with a pen, spittin' splendin rhymes
sent by Zues and the Gods of earth
you signed a bum deal and forgot the terms
