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Ex Präst - Disposal.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-02-19 23:00

Ex Präst - Disposal.

Vers 1:

i dont know why i did it, but i did and thats it//
she didnt have to say that shit but she did, that bitch//
so i start working her throath and the blood pours out the artery//
i stare into her face and realize i killed a part of me//
i struggle with the tendons that goes around her neck//
i disconnect them at the spine and i hear a loud crack//
twist the head around and cut the rest with the knife//
shreds from her throath dissapear into the tub and out of sight//
she must have lost atleast one gallon and she stinks//
now she's more gray than pink and so are her limbs//
i take a grip of her lungs and put my foot on the corpse//
trying to rip them out from the diaphragm of the torso//
and then they gave in so i started emptying the abdomin//
when it caved in the stench reached my nose and i vomit//
im repulsed of my actions but i had to make the choise//
im falling into deeper coma but i have to fight the voice//
it's eating me up inside this conciense mind that makes me avoid//
this pain that makes my lies, this time, this devilish decoy//

Vers 2:

When i came back i continued where i left off//
i fetched the cuttingplier and cracked the ribs out of the chest//
removed the rest of the substance over the iliac crest//
im impressed that her flesh and the heart is still so fresh//
intestines, kidneys and when i ripped out the rectum//
The urinal bladder came along, didnt burst like a dissection//
infection, green poss came out the abdominal aorta//
a mix of blood and puce doesnt look like i thought but sort of//
almost finished, i only got the feet and hands left to disconnect//
she's wrecked, but the saw chewed through the bone nearly perfect//
my sticky hands grab the foot and ankle//
as the raw flesh bursts but the vessels got tangled//
i put it all in different garbage bags and im finaly done//
it was far from fun, but i did what had to be done//
i've prepared a funeral for you, but nothing of the usual//
i'll bury you in the ground so the bugs can feast and crawl//
and i'll dig a hole for you and let the maggots pick the bones//
and i'll leave you with the beetles so you'll never be alone//


i sat down on the toilet and i reached after her head//
the shreads were still hanging on, i cant belive that she is dead//
her face is covered with blood and her eyes are staring at me//
their so empty and lifeless it's probably the worst i've ever seen//
it doesent look like a humanbeing, it doesent look like my DAUGHTER//
i cant belive how fucking badly, i fucked up as a FATHER//

________________________________________ ____________

Säkert mycket stavfel o så...

Och innan ni ger feedback så vill jag bara säga några korta saker.

Historien är påhittad verklighet, mycket av det som står är fakta, så innan ni skriver nåt med "ååhhh vad overkligt" eller vad vet jag...tänk efter först.
Sen är tanken på många ställen att ljudeffekter i bakgrunden ska beskriva ljud, lukter och dylikt.

Worship Nothing Studios :Inspelning, mixning, mastring, design, musikvideos m.m: http://www.wnstudios.se