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Jag kan också vara pretto...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-02-19 00:30

Jag kan också vara pretto...

smaller with a short fuse, forces ordered to vanish
according to vortexes paused by orbiting planets
calling out plans over frequencies.. beat sequences
leaving defenceless creeps bleeding at wired fences
entire instances seeking for patterns in funerals
while characters leaping clones in a parallel universe
salaries boomerang-effected backwards deranged
cracking the main frame of robots lacking the strength
attached to your brain, flows posted in a post-modern era
justice evolving while scrolling down the court of terror
leaving creatures breathing the dust for speaking to us
preaching beliefs makes you the weakest link in the chain
squeezing lip-sync pain out of first-borns verses first
syllables pounding down the earth like voodoo... cursed
emerging thirst, I dwell in an oasis, hell in the spaceship
razorblades swiftly cut through the sound bombing
found vomiting words out of notepads with attached hooks
dashed looks I bash crooks on random bastards
commercial structures falling apart like tide waves
hittin weak grounds from sand castles drowned today
the futuristic cypher, no dictionaries picturing writers
predictions spitted locked down like fictional eyelids
pixilated screens lighting up nights like neon speech
freon bleached headings though eons of weeks to get served
steadily holding the torch like a sword high in the air
why care when by appearance science will prevail
trying to hear defiance of details, structure causing ruckus
pausing suckers pink like awesome puppies, stuffed animals
rough cannibals throwing themselves to spawn swiftly
pawns shifting hands drifting in to land under the moonshine
kissing sand like food, thai flavoured dreams filling my lunges
thrills among killings of billions falling on the path of building the one