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2005-02-16 01:40


Fuck this, I called people's out in audio, now let me take this
this sick swede will teach you all about Harlem shake kids
I challenged Hw, phoe and spex but no one answered yet
this man's respect demands more yet than bitches twitching
sickness, stitches, lick this bitches, blizz is sick n wicked
kicking sick shit, flippin grits for sick ass snitches, it's tickin'
shit's finger lickin' good sticking my wood through yo hood
good's do no good I'm fuckin pure evil and feeble asshole
crap, read it and weep or i'll pop you like a snapple bastard
it's crappy wackness, pimslappin act's that's pure baffled
hell yeah sure I'll tackle a reply in the lyricists forum gimp
but meet me in audio and I'll stomp you like a cockroach
blizz got flows, so challenge Soy in English and I'll top those
the tables has turned yo and the whoa fables will burn slow
hell I am yo' bud but the peace has to settle here brother
or shit'll get pure freaking ugly like hwarangs little old mother
fiddle with an answer and it'll be weak like twigs snatching
watch yo mouth or it'll be a bunch of wiggers over reacting
just moving the fractions of fools proofing their actions son
fact's is this main, my actions is this sane? Whut? Challenge
it's like finding the balance between average and malice
Jbrasco, you're a nice ass lyricist but drop the attitude son
so go record some real tracks and try to get to my altitude son

no hard feelings main...men det e antingen dags att plugga jiddret eller att droppa audio rakt av :)

peacerrz n one!

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein