Dont act like you dont know
Don't act like you know, i'v dance with your hoe, and I saw you dance around with a dawg, oh my god!! a one of a kind song, with an hell of a flow bounce around like a cat and just shake your fatty fat i,m back to slap your back then pull down my hat and smoke my self bad with hasch flying shit bitch Flip the shit kid with sick moves on the dancefloor bitch hell yeah that's what i call flow, dog you do not know a shit of the shit I just said but I don't chase the brides man, the brides chase me chick, chick, chicks to me man it's all about me i got a cigg that's shady anyway it's taste welly and it makes me scary in my belly and certain I can't have fun without it, and I will turn dumb like a farmer in the slum
Om man frågar vem Du är, svara:- Jag är grabben, som lever. Och om dom frågar vad gör Du, så svara - Allt och ingenting, jag lever i tiden..."