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Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-02-10 20:40



They said a picture lasts longer, but I wouldnt believe it-
I started something endless and then I couldnt accheive it-
But if I could turn the hourglass when its nuthin left to do-
Then all my canvases would be filled with paintings of you..
I am out of time, the train has allready left the station-
I got sunshine on a cloudy day, all I need is more patience-
You need both rain and sunshine, to make a beautiful rainbow-
More trains comin, but the next one might kill me on the railroad..

A story about Adam and Eve, missguided by the hands of time-
A man with ambitions, king of the hill with to many rocks to climb-
So many questions; Memorize my regrets or regret my memories?
Stuck alone in the garden of Eden, with a bunch of stolen appletrees-
You are beautiful, like an angel pulling the strings of an harp-
We have reached the finish line, but we didn’t know where to start-
I regret all the undone moments, and now I drown in my tears, lonely-
If I could, I would gatter up an orchestra of angels for your ears only..


I'm Superman! King fucking Kong! I can pick you up and throw you a million miles. I'm number one. Number fucking one. I'm number one. Number fucking one. Number one! Number one! Number one!