why - it's all about self-confidence
ok, det här är min första text, den e inte klar än ska fixa ref och minst en vers till men iaf.. Så ge mig gärna mycket kritik så jag kan utvecklas. Here I'm sitting isolated in my room. it's cold and dark, this is my own tomb. everything feels unreal just like I'm in a bad dream. nothing is how it should be, or at least what it's seems. I start to hallucinate and the room twists around I hear voices in my head and all kind of strange sounds. I don't know for how long my head can think 'bout these clues. and it's getting harder and harder to control all my issues. but I got to keep on struggling for better days cause they will come, I just have to choose right path and walk the right ways. and for now I have to turn around and walk back cause this direction brings me further down in the crack. but I'm also gonna need a helping hand and who's strong enough to reach out and be that man? who's man enough to pull me up and say: you're gonna make it, you just need to get away today. a man walks up to me, and starts to talk to me, that's my guardin angel i guess, he looks at me, and then he says. just look at that guy, he's strong and independent. that's just what you need to become my friend. it's all about getting yourself some self-confidence and in some situations it could even be your best defence. so stand up tall and straight up your spine, open your eyes, smile and everything will be fine. just look at me, for me everything is sunshine. I've got it all in my hands, the world is mine.
vågar du köra på mig igen då fitta?