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Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-01-31 19:33


bara en låttext... reffen ska sjungas.. vet att raderna inte e det jämnaste.. ciao.

Verse 1:

A crying child inside is left behind/
Look at that life and push "rewind"/
Do you see it daddy? Are you feeling happy?/
Just track me, slap me! No more it'll happen/
Born me than torn me and leave me lonely/
It's phoney how you don't even know me/
And still you're in charge and are responsible for me/
Still you're concern about what I turn out to learn/
And still I don't get what I earn, I get what's burned/
But I don't complain 'bout my world with just words/
With a fist fight I missed right for a miserable life/
With a knife I can stop it but I won't 'cause I'm right/
You can teach me, reach me but you can't force/
If I could teach you I would just put you in a course/
If I were the father I would have tried to bother/
Not let everything on the mother just like others/


Oh daddy.. how come you were my hero?
Oh daddy.. I don't have fears though
you're no longer big in my life
I've realised, even if I cry..

Oh daddy..

Verse 2:

Though all the pressure it's not like I mentioned/
Never thought you'll leave 'cause we were special!/
All happy thoughts were cancelled like plants stopped grow/
So move on to the song 'cause I know I've grown/
Have my thoughts and leave them and take my freedom/
I won't be needing them, I just want to relive them/
Want you to see them, and just respect me!/
See how that affects me if you let me be expressive/
Sensitive and aggressive, that's how I deliver my message/
I see the button and press it, help me if I mess it/
Dress me like a doll and sitting next to you while I'm cold/
See me as i fall and feeling so small, for sure/
Never like before, want to grow into a flower/
So much sour than the rest of the skitzo tower/
You got to let go of me todally, I can't be quit or cuter/
Don't want to end up like daddys looser!You know what, this is MY future!/

här får du lite kärlek