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Nått litet skit på 20 bars (droppa kritik)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-01-25 14:58

Nått litet skit på 20 bars (droppa kritik)

I become you and Goth turns into rap//
suicide becomes old news and hip-hop turns into crap//
The world watches on as sickness becomes health//
and everybody cheers as poorness becomes wealth//
Tornados become rescues and sunlight turns into cancer//
well respected lawyers becomes hookers and dancers//
music becomes money and artists turns into machines//
geniuses becomes mad or is it only as it seems//
hail becomes sunlight and day turns into night//
the world becomes flat and black turns into white//
the beginning becomes the end and the future becomes the past//
Sports become deadly and the winner comes in last//
chaos starts to make sense and cold becomes warmth//
hands become weapons as peace becomes war//
words turn into music and days turn into years//
happiness becomes depression and laughter becomes tears//
Boys turn into men and handshakes becomes violence//
questions becomes answers as screams becomes silence//
Protection becomes insecure and love becomes hate//
and what wasn’t meant to happen suddenly becomes faith//
