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Grizzly - "ingen Titel"

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-01-20 23:10

Grizzly - "ingen Titel"

Lite snabbt ihopslängd, men inte fy skam =)

Battle me feels like being halfway through the door when it closes//
'Cause my lines are the direct opposite of sending roses//
I'll break up anything in my way just like Moses//
And even if you beat me, you're the one who loses//
So there you have it, when i'm in the house better clear the passage//
Or I'll go straight through you like concentrated acid//
And yes I'm blown outta porportion, but I'm not hyperbolic//
Cause I'm so big, my sixpack's to big even for an alcoholic//
Don't take it personal I'm just getting rid of some hate//
But if you argue with my lines I'll fistfuck you in the face//

This is a war and I'm stationed at the frontline//
No gun, fighting enemies with punchlines//
While you're getting applause for turning your mic off//
And you won't walk of stage, you'll get wiped off//
So after our battle I got arrested by the state//
The atourney claimed I was guilty of a verbal rape//
I kick you in the face, you won't be able to use your head//
So start breathing through your peehole like Mufakka said//
And you know I'm so big I brush my teeth with a broom//
That means even if you're here, I'm the only rapper in the room//

Ge gärna kritik....Peace// Grizzen

MAGNUM OPUS MIXTAPE VOL. 2 in the making! Gästas av Öris, Calle P, Marke, George Kaplan m.fl.