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kännslosam jag elr?

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-01-19 22:07

kännslosam jag elr?

you may like me but im not even half as nice as you
when i think of you it's like my biggest dream come true
for every small second that pass i just love you more
for you i'd do anything and thats the trouth for sure
if i could i would love you forever just like that
just promise you'll love me back do we have a contract?
if the whole world blew me exept you i'd still smile
only you is the most beautiful, an angel in my eyes
when it feel hard and pointless you can count on me
i'd die for you like a japanese die for it's country
if you want me to i'll catch you every star in the sky
and if you were on an other planet i would jump and fly
i'd throw a lasso around the moon so you can watch it easy
if you wanted to be alone sometimes that wouldn't tease me
just tell me you wont leave me, that i can come back later
i say you could consider this rhyme as a small love letter

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