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Around my 1000th rhyme posted online...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2005-01-11 23:55

Around my 1000th rhyme posted online...

Tittade på min rhymefolder på datorn och upptäckte att jag har ca 800 sparade textfiler med texter...
Vet med all säkerhet att de flesta har blivit poastade och att jag har ca: 2 Ica kassar med utprintade papper sedan back in the days från när jag va i USA...så summan av kardemummam e väl att det under åren har postats runt 1000 texter av mig på olika ställen runt om på internet de senaste 7 åren...

så här kommer en liten aniversary keystyle...

Pause, hold up y'all know who's the fucking greatest
I'm so tight, only mermaids come out more constipated
blizzak, yeah you about now know this damn name
been posting more rhymes online than hwarangs fan base
shut the hell up, I am the G.O.A.T. you got a problem?
Whoa, It's your inferiority complex so brother solve 'em
is it my fault that I'm over your head like halo's?
7 years ago, I started forming lyrics like play dough
I owned this forum together with clever and sick cats
but has been gone for two years n it's time to flip raps
y'all pussies don't rhyme you're on some simple haiku
fishing for votes in guest books from gimps that like you
you got a tight crew? Try matching it with mine faggots
been kicking it with some of the dopest sublime addicts
world wide textcees know the name that starts with B
I witnessed the development of what future stars will be
started landing rhymes at thekrib.com advanced sickly
then later sethro.com , homegrown and thalandz hit me
so count my words during the years we speak gazillions
I ruled the net with cats like sankofa n deacon the villain
but as with popularity, the Internet also got mis-used
by ignorant kids wanting to be me with serious issues
in the beginning a few cat's mastered the ones and zero's
but nowadays this is a mere fairytale about guns and heroes
ask cat's at ughh.com about poetic diciplez or noah's ark
hell, search the forum and witness the flows we sparked
so from my old online crews, kicking it with the dopest
till today I'd say the way the net is going, it's hopeless
so respect my braggin' writes cuz it's all well deserved
all my rhymes are saved and printed, well preserved
here's a word, before you yap or try touch this nemesis
there's some words for that and that is to know your enemy
but watch the progress now all you soulless entities
the step from text to an album where I'll flow with energy
and kiss the behind of the seminars before this planet fold
prepare for blizz the divine - memoirs of an enchanted soul

Around 1000 texts posted and still going strong...

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein