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Just Pour Me Another And Ignore Me My Brother.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2004-12-21 20:01

Just Pour Me Another And Ignore Me My Brother.

Hey, bartender.. Another beer.. and a tequila shot..

By the way,
You know in this loud mouth battlefield
The measures of a man is defined by his salary
And people are so very proud of their heritage
And hollow pride leads to the wave of the terrorists
Pride's a product of your own actions and accomplishment
Not what your forfathers did a thousand years ago
I guess it's all another part to play in insecurity
In fact I'm sure of it
Just like time is money.. but I'm not greedy
Why..? Because my friends need me
You know without sacrifice there can't be progress
And y'know without question there can't be conquest
-What do you mean last one? I'm sober and fine,
You know access is power, so I open my mind
But hey what do I know.. I'm too drunk to bother
So in the words of Slug;
Just pour me another and ignore me my brother..

Man, this game really used to be fun
Kicking up poetry with a boost of some puns
Now I'm trying to capture the world in one line
And so far all I've got is "Death transcends Life"
Dream by dream, by the way this bar's great,
carved drapes
Trading in red carpets for more heart aches
I didn't choose to rhyme just to lose my mind
But Hell.. relativity even makes the truth a lie
I used to think I'd spend my adolesence on stage
Instead I'm in high school try'na raise my grades
But it could be worse, atleast I've paved a way for college
Fuck what I got on my SATs, I'm in it for the knowledge
Because a teacher is the opposite of what a prophet is
I guess the fine line between progress and conquest is apocalypse
But what do I know.. I'm just a product of happy hour
So in the words of Slug;
Just pour me another and ignore me my brother..

Oh man, now I'm really fucking wasted.. or honest..
I'm stuck in a wasteland.. Fuck what was promised..
In silence I miss my crew and my ex girl friends..
But after a few beers.. I start to remember them..
Self-destruction has never tasted better..
Flicking away ashes from my patched up sweater..
Escape from all of my enemies wanting me..
Escape from all of my memories haunting me..
-Huh? Whut?.. No that seat is taken.. it's not forya..
By whom?!.. My good friend Nike Jordan.. bitch.
Well, back on track. Escaped escalated realities..
Intoxicated by the sweet scent of Vodka hospitality..
.. I'm tired of fighting rumours from my passed personality..
Friends define me by reflection of my former character..
I've changed, you close minded bastards hasn't..
I went from Carl to Koala, from Eric to Hwarang..
With an intellect I conjured some savage powers..!
So in the words of Slug;
Just pour me another and ignore me my brother..!

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose