Hwarang - This Can't Be Life
Skrev första versen för ett år sen, den har vart uppe förr. Andra versen är ny. Texten är inte klar än, kommer en till vers om ett år! ---------------------------------- This can't be life.. Hov said it.. Intro. Losing hope but trying to give.. Living to die or dying to live.. Broken rope swaying in scars.. Now Im praying some bars.. chorus. This cant be life, this cant be love This cant be right, theres gotta be more, this cant be us This cant be life, this cant be love This cant be right, theres gotta be more, this cant be us verse1 Seeing mascara runnin down my moms cheek/ Her crushed expectations as her son weaps/ Not tryin to come deep, just expose the hopelessness/ There's no meaning, mopin through the stresslessness/ Moms making her efforts to smile holdin her paycheck/ Can't hardly breathe just tryin to unfold the latex/ This is not quite paradise, not what I was promised/ Commitin the same mistakes, but tryin to stay honest/ Remember my trip halfway to Hell; Im stronger since/ Thought the world would change, no longer convinced/ Waitin for my purpose, my words are tears of rage/ Had dreams of spending my young years on stage/ Instead Im in highschool tryin to raise my grades/ Reality is a bad dream; Im only writing to awake/ Im on a renagde trip on a expired membership/ Keep trying young child, but remember this/ Youre not promised glory just granted a fight/ Our society, reality is just a chanted reiche/ Man, this.. this can't be life../ chorus. verse2 Walking through these everlasting days/ Through the copy of yesterdays acid rain/ Cause and effect are losing cause and effect/ Too many flaws to correct, I hit pause and reflect/ ............. Living with my moms, a violent alcoholic/ Was a man at seven with a silent promise/ And I tried granpa, I tried to be the man/ I wish but I can't, fill the gap from dad/ A year passed since I wrote the first verse/ Still in the vicouz circle without a purpose/ This grayzone just makes me generalize more/ I isolate myself, socialize less but write more/ One foot in the studio and one in you average life/ And everytime I tap my foot I feel.. This can't be life/ It used to be a hobby, with all beats and lines/ But nowdays, it's the only thing keeping me alive!/ chorus. Satan gives in / Violently trying. Blatantly living / Silently dying. ||||||| Om någon är duktig på att göra beats skulle jag uppskatta ett schysst beat med sampling på Jay-Zs - This Can't Be Life i reffen.
Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose http://www.thewrestlinggame.com/wg.asp?w=110101