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Wepon And Violence

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2004-11-17 13:19

Wepon And Violence

vers 1
when you aimin at me with your black shiny glock
im just laughin and kick you hard on your little cock
dont try to scary me with weapons and violence
im not afriad of that shit not even for aliens
never been in fear or danger never hide from fights
hit me and i give you a lawbook so you see your rights
dont think you are a gangster just becuse you got a gun
a gangster dont run a way when you here boo! from a bum
you and a glock isnt right, it looks like a jerk with a glock
if you dont stop that shit i put you in a cell and lock

you cant pull a trigger so throw you gun away
begin to use your fists before you got a gun
im just kick and hit not use weapons and shit
try to hit and kick and you should take one hit
dont be scard of a fist and kick in the face
just stand up and give him a real hit in his stommac

vers 2
you bought your glock two years ago, never fire a shot
dont know why you buy that glock, you will not fire a shot
even if you want you dont have the power to pull the triggers
you dont get it. you thought that you should be with all niggers
but they dont like a withe boy who dont can fire a shot
when you held in a fun, you gonna die by the heartattack you got.
a gangster dont have a gun with full ammo, and isnt afraid of blood
so dont you get it? you are no gangster. so go home to mom and get som food.

Lite kritik skulle va bra.

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