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Komik- Work of the Devil!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2004-11-16 23:22

Komik- Work of the Devil!

"You have walked in the midst of the stones of fire..

I am why you are, your belief began when I involved history-
Existance is not a proof of lifeform, just an unsolved mystery-
You ask for purification, forgiveness is an overrated relief-
I am why religion exists, every faith is an created belief-

I consist, of forms of hallucination, a hex by wisdom-
Scientist, I will perform reincarnation through exorcism-
Here to fulfill your destiny, it is written before typo prevention-
Ill hang you upside down on a crucifix and you'll suffer from hypotension-

..You were perfect in your wave from the day of creation..

"By the envy of the Devil, Death came into the world"-
By the envy of man, you created me, therefore death is just a word-
I was cast out, by the overthrow of the faith of the disciples-
If the purest form of purifaction is fire, then burn Bibles!-

Im the one that’s not spoken of, the wisest of truth-
But everytime you ignore me, I live in every one of you!-
You are faithless, your religion consist on the fortune of Christ-
You baptise your first born in front of a 3x2m torture device!

..Until iniquity was found in you.."

Catholics, apostles, bishops and popes, all forgives the odd-
You seek forgiveness in men who campaign sin, acts God!
Everytime you say: "Forgive me Father for I have sinned", in grief-
A man forgives you trough the Holy booth of disbelief!-

I can’t be extinguished, as long as you reject me-
I will forever be a part of time, as long as you expect me!-
It’s a sin to commit suicide, go a head! Slash your wrist!-
The greatest trick I ever pulled, was to convince the world I didn’t exist…

Kommentarer denna gång tack!

I'm Superman! King fucking Kong! I can pick you up and throw you a million miles. I'm number one. Number fucking one. I'm number one. Number fucking one. Number one! Number one! Number one!