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21 mutha fucker 21...

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2004-11-16 00:22

21 mutha fucker 21...

fuck a bar count...scheming!

Landmarks upon the distant horizon evaporates
darkness from the skies rain over me to saturate
the facts of hate that blasts my everlasting faith
into dimensions way under my subconsciousness
so subtle yet so blessed it haunts my stress
rests confessed is history the dichotomy inflicts with me
it sickens me to see myself upon this pedestal shelf
shedding my breath that's embedding in death
better be dead then spitting these letters instead
but I fell and that was in love, head over heels
rolling with a high boiling point, a kettle on wheels
settle with steel, steal the metal from the real
reeling the back peddling feelings back here again
attached to a friend but we got lost in the end
so nowadays when we meet it's like we pretend
attraction is sweet, but it's nicer to a dull beat
it's love in my body from the skull to the feet
so let's not get hyper and ventilate these sentences
I'm senseless yes, but clenching my fist in penmanship
send that ship and whip me sick till I trip
sick with this shit, blizz spitting bricks for you kids

await more...

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein