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2004-11-16 00:14

save me

just look at me. i'm weak and alone.
closed eyes, my body shivers.
i need them. but i hate them. i don't want them!
but they're everywhere. doesn't matter where i go.
they're everywhere. and i can't run away.
i can't hide. i can't hide! i'm just one of their slaves.
suddenly i'm screaming out in lack of presence of others
where is everybody? where did everybody go?
left alone again. but they'll come back for me. i know it.
it's just a matter of time.
so please come to me. you're so wise.
you always knows what to do. what to say.
take me away from this, be my own guide.
i really need you now.
you know they really gotta hold on me.
and they'll never let me go.
i don't wanna stay here, slowly they're killing me.
draging me further and further down to the chasm.
and i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to get up again if you don't hurry.
hurry before they'll come back.
so please, come! come and save me!

vågar du köra på mig igen då fitta?