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Ändroo - One Little Poem [20 Bars]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2004-11-10 23:16

Ändroo - One Little Poem [20 Bars]

I always feel like my heart brain or soul/
Or whatever part maintains control/
is trying to speak but I cant comprehend/
I go to sleep but I cant defend/
I start to weep and i look for a friend/
Is isolation the destined situation for my creation?/
Everyday is like automation and I’m facing desecration/
The manifestations from my imagination fill me with elation/
For that time i'm escaping reality and replacing clarity/
I create this narrative to navigate this narrow-bridge/
Of insecurity and misplaced self-hate/
And to get my emotional health-straight/
These teenage years are strainful and confusing/
I've seen-rage tears and painful scars refusing/
To be evicted from my memory/
Restricted from what its been telling me/
It remains a mystery what I’m searching for to explain my misery/
I need Her to consider me give all her love and deliver me/
But at night i shiver, see/
cos those images of her will never come to be...

Sååja..skulle va nice om ni kunde ge den lite kritik, vad jag skulle kunna göra bättre o så..peace