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Liten vers jag skrev imorse

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2004-11-06 16:47

Liten vers jag skrev imorse

A jungle animal thats probably closer to tarzan/
Im off the wall like a nazy poster in harlem/
This faggot media got me posing with stars and/
Other celebrity whores, and if Ill ever be gone/
Yall better remember me as porn/
Dismember beats and songs/
Sending kicks to north, snares to the south/
Vocals to east and west, wearing my mouth, like a loose cannon/
Aering your house, when I abuse parents, with defuse errends Im known as the question mark of rap/
Hit you in your chest, your heart, your back, motherfucker I am the next to start a path/
So you best a park that ass in a different vecinty, the prolific when I spit on beats a slip stream of imagry/
To shift keys and fit on screens/ and brain wash you like surgeons with suction tools/
Take on any queer pussy holding a grudge, from your fucking crew/
Leave em holding a slug, like the french about to eat some disgusting food/