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Walks This Earth..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2004-11-02 21:50

Walks This Earth..

Looking outside when u deep down know -
the target remains inside yourself;
is a impudent way of searching through a maze,
I do though belive it's a deliberate action, -
done to protect our vulnerability,
selfrealization ain't an earned ability, -
it's humans first epitome,
when you burst so vividly into -
showing such a thirst for mimicing,
can u be sure of anything is worth patent pending -
even when your words are fitting in? SO GOOD!
You get hurt and shivery if it's -
a blatant ending of a hating friendship,
and y're disobeying when this subject is touching the surface,
such is an perfect example of this -
worlds fucked up answers to simple questions!
Like if our ancestors really -
were building prisons to cage the evil,
or just dealing with them who faced the keepers of freedom?
Based on feelings from researching -
about the meaning of churches and faith,
I'm urging to say that satan walks this earth, -
(In form of Jesus Christ)
walks the way of making caustic burns to our minds.. -
(Treason might.. Kill you!)

Där det är markerat med - forsätter raden på nästa rad, enbart för att det inte ska bli oläsligt.

I live in it, breathin' it, more than just fuckin' belive in it..