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Intervju med Can2

Vår Hiphop - Graffiti


2010-02-19 08:21

Intervju med Can2

I just finished an interview with Can2

My Name is CAN2 and I live in Germany. At the tender age of 7 I had a driving need to artistically improve the desk at my school as well as my school books with my own comic style illustrations,
but I did my first piece in 1983.

Before I got into Graffiti I was into B-Boying. I saw some Music Videos on TV where kids were spinning
on their heads and backs so I started dancing too. Graffiti was mostly shown in the backgrounds of the videos.
The day before christmas in 1983 me and two friends went out and I did my first Graffiti saying “Windmill”. I got the cans from the garage of my father and it was silver with anthracite outlines.
The other two guys were just on the lookout.
That was the only outdoor action so far but as soon as ZEBSTER showed me his first sketch I started sketching too. We had like a little battle going on, who's gonna do the dopest sketch and who got the best colors and the best fine liner for the white highlights ect...and in 1986 I got my first airbrush so that gave the sketches another quality.
Also in 1986 I got the opportunity through my art teacher to do a big wall at my school.
Since that time I only wanted to paint on walls.
I had several names in the beginning. RATTY FRESH, RASTEY 177, VIVID LEGS just to name a few.
Later in 1986 I came up with the name COOL CANDY.
I soon shortened it to CANDY and then CAN. The 2 came because we were living in house No. 2.
After a while I wanted to change my name again but it was too late. I had done a few pieces with it already and people started to recognize me by that name so I kept it.

Read the full article here:

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