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Saber säger hejdå till LA river

Vår Hiphop - Graffiti


2009-09-10 22:47

Saber säger hejdå till LA river

The city of Los Angeles shows their disrespect to their own history by buffing one the largest graffiti painting of all time. This particular painting was done by the graffiti writer Saber. The painting was created using rollers and it took Saber a year and a half to complete. Saber worked on it so long that he suffered a knee injury from standing on the slanted surface of the LA riverbed.
California is in a recession and has been having troubles buying books for schools but had enough money to buff the LA River

Länk till http://www.theworldsbestever.com/2009/09/04/sabers-la-river-piece-gets-buffed/

(Inlägget ändrat av Louder 2009-09-10 22:47:18)