Ultim-8-October Choose Your Destiny Breakjam 2011
Ultimate B-Boys & Studiefrämjandet Presents:
Ultim-8-October Choose Your Destiny Breakjam 2011

8 invited dancers: Eli - Ultimate B-Boys (Gbg) Calle - Above The Clouds (Sthlm) Moore - Octagon (Malmö) Steff One - Grounded (Gävle) DogBite - Ricochet Crew (Jkpng) Hefo - Fox Footwork (Denmark) Deliriouz - Real Deal Family (Gbg) Dogma - Los Caballeros (Germany)
Theres is only 16 spots for those who want to qualify to the next round! Contact me here on facebook !!
Judges: Morris (Gbg) Tommy B-Boy Invalido (Sthlm) Renegade (Malmö)
Host: RaaW-Bii
Dj Mike (Gbg)
Guests: Performance by a band from Gothenburg called One Of a Kind
1:st price - 1500 kr 2:nd price - 500 kr
and we have some stuff from Planet Rock Streetwear and Orcbite as prices !!
Our sponsors: Ultimate B-Boys, Studiefrämjandet, Orcbite, Zpeed Production and Planet Rock Streetwear
Hope you all can come and have a great day with alot of breaking! The building can only take about 150 visitors, so be on time !!!
Location: Take tram 1,3,6 or 8 from Centralstation to Redbergsplatsen. Walk 5 minutes to Falkgatan 7. The name of the building called FALKEN. Go around the building and there you will find the entrance. Heres a picture on the building:
All info and registration for competing contact me here on facebook. Search for Raaw Bii in facebook.
See yall on the 8 october
Peace, love n respect// RaaW-Bii Ultimate B-Boys
I am the Jin-Crin AKA b-boy Tired -->is all about the Crentos