circle prinz, funktastic, tactics bboy crew competition !!!!!!!!!!!!

Circle Prinz Scandinavia Sweden is a 2 vs 2 bboy event where the winner will be flown out to the main event in Lausanne (Switzerland).
18 sep.. A 2 hour workshop with Focus (Flomo crew)
Price: 150 sek or 15 euro
Time: TBA
Place: TBA
19 sep.. Circle prinz the jam:
Dj: Jam one (Ghost crew)
Live band: The goverment
Judge: Focus (Flomo crew)
Host: Amjad (7 dollars)
For registration for the competition and workshop, or if you just have some questions about the jam you can contact me:
[email protected]
20 sep.. Funktastic + Bboy crew competition.
More info about that will be up asap.
Entrance: 2 day ticket is 80 sek. and you can`t buy a one day ticket.
More complete info will be up asap.
pz Marre