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IBE Skandinavian team 2007

Vår Hiphop - Breaking


2007-07-02 11:59

IBE Skandinavian team 2007


Whad up,

A short while ago i was contacted by the organizers of IBE.
They want me to be the captain of the skandinavian  team.
My job is to pick out a team that will battle USA, Korea and France the 28,29,30 September 2007. Heerlen, The Netherlands

The team should consist of 10 b-boy/b-girls from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. How many from each country is up to me.  But all 4 countrys must be represented.

So far ive only got 3 names up there:

Team Leader Freeze, Ghost Cru, Sweden

Focus, Flo-Mo Crew, Finland

Ätä, Ghost Cru, Finland

Ätä  and Focus  are directly qualified because of there skills and fierce rep as B-boy´s in the world Hip-Hop community.

So, that leaves 7 spots wich are up for grabs.

I will judge and pick out the team from what I know since before and what I will see go down in cyphers and battles at

Denmark: 11/8 Skandinavia Battle Of The Year, Copenhagen

Sweden: 13-15/8  Circle Prinz and Super Jam, Stockholm

Finland: Uk B-Boy Champ Skandinavian Qualifier, Helsinki

If you aint on my list of heads i consider but think you should be.  Step up on those Jams/ competitions and prove yourself.

These are the ones that are considered. If you dont wanna/cant be part of the IBE team contact me at

 [email protected]

Finland: Hat-Solo, T-Break, T-Flow, IMA, Mercy-1, Jimmy, A-T

Denmark: Jens, Blanca, Hefo, David, Jeff, Capi

Norway: Arctic, Parkes, Tidji, Diaz, Lucky Lars

Sweden:  Flaco, Sideshow, Foolish, Marre, Hacim, Oxygen, Deleriouz

The full team will be announced v.34

Peez out n have a nice summer.


Live it or leave it....