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Taukojam 1-2.7.2005 @ FINLAND

Vår Hiphop - Breaking


2005-06-05 10:06

Taukojam 1-2.7.2005 @ FINLAND

Taukojam 1-2.7.2005 @ FINLAND

Turnin’ Fest & TaukoJam, 1.7.-2.7. 2005 @ Tampere, Finland

The biggest Nordic hip hop festival Turnin' Fest will be held in Tampere, Finland, in the beautiful Härmälä camping site on July 1st and 2nd 2005. See the brightest stars of Finnish hip hop as well as American special guest acts both festival days!

As well as music, Turnin' Fest offers a complete hip hop experience including all areas of hip hop culture. In addition to the main stage acts, we present to you the show tent, where the toughest battles will be fought - be it b-boying or beatboxing. In the festival area there will also be a 200 m long wall, the Turnin' Fest Wall of Fame, for the true graffiti pros as well as for other enthusiastic festival painters.

Turnin' Fest is proud to present Taukojam, a street dance event with emphasis on breakdancing i.e. b-boying. Taukojam celebrates the fourth full year of Finland's biggest street dance web site, www.taukojalka.com, and brings together the biggest street dance names from all over the world. The high point of Taukojam will be a 1 vs. 1 b-boy battle with an incredible first prize of 1000 €!
Friday 1.7.2005

First Day:

TaukoWorkshop: 1.7. Juse Boogy klo 12-14 @ Spiraali, 50 meters from Tampere railwaystation, 5 € to get in, only first 35 will get in, sign up at [email protected] or at www.taukojalka.com/taukojam.

Taukojam @ Turnin’ Fest

Special Guests:
Poe One (Style Elements, California USA)
Juse Boogy (Massive Monkees, Seattle USA)
Ghost Crew Scandinavia (SWE, NOR, FIN)
Flow-Mo Crew
Keidas Bustin’ Loose
Taukojalka Staff

Special Performance by:
Exhale Crew (FIN)

DJ Anonymous (Lifesaver Hki)
DJ Rome 1
DJ Tibbz
DJ Mercy-One (Riskiclique Breakers Jkl)

Host: Elastinen (Rähinä Records)

Rush Hour:
The main theme of the first day is the circles. To enhance this we will have one hour of time, during which the dancer that represents the most will be rewarded. After the Rush Hour Taukojalka Staff will pick the winner. The winner will be the dancer who dances the most, has the most skills, attitude and charisma, and battles will also be counted. The winner can represent what ever dance style, for example b-boying, funkstyles, new style hip hop… The prize will be sponsor products and 50 euros in cash.

Second day:

TaukoWorkshop: 2.7. Poe One klo 12-14 @ Spiraali, price 5 €, only first 35 will get in, sign up at [email protected]


1 vs 1 bboy/bgirl battle.
Poe One (Style Elements USA)
Juse Boogy (Massive Monkees USA)
Taya (Flow-Mo Crew FIN)

Battle concept:
The competition is open for everybody. First everybody will do an elimination battle of two rounds and out of these battles 16 best will be eliminated. Next the first battler is being picked from a hat. He/she can decide who of the 15 competitors he/she wants to battle. The one that he/she picks, will decide how many rounds (from one to eight) the battle will go for. The next battle will go on with the same format, so the next dancer picked after the first battle will have 13 dancer to choose from and so on. Eventually when there’s only two dancers left, the one who decides the rounds will be drawn from the hat. Same goes for the finals. From all the battles judges decide a winner who goes on for the next round of battles. The winner of the final gets a cash price of 1000 euros.