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Mighty VS Jeppehehe (12 bars, engelska)

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2008-09-22 22:37

Mighty VS Jeppehehe (12 bars, engelska)


These punchlines are the definition of real pain
leaving you with tears under the eyes like Lil Wayne
Music-Of-Steel is a fucking joke to us
broke as fuck and need to grow some nuts
I know I'm nuts, that's why I'll choke you up, smoke your guts
and make you pay attention till you owe me bucks
My mind is sturdy, the rhymes are dirty
you're white and nerdy and fuck with guys who's thirty
Hate when a fag talks, but if you wanna dance dawg
I'mma throw you off the roof and let you airwalk
Now be quiet or get your neck broken
chest open, flesh frozen and organs turned to left overs..


Your punchlines are the definition of too much damn spare time
It's me vs you, but yet you think I should strap on a pair, why?
You started to write those rhymes, when they invented the carphone
Arsehole, your anger was meant for me, but not your bars though
You said battle me! I didn't know we 'posed to write crank letters
EyO YoU fAkKiN' fAGgOt, cOmE hErE N gEt ShANkEd BeTtEr!
How old are you anywayz? Cuz you act like you in the defiant age!
Sure, I fuck with men, cuz right now you get fucked in many ways!
Hm? I pay attention, I watch my P's and Q's but I don't owe a P?
You just phony see, if you'd be a local rapper, I'd role globally
Haha yeah I'm white and nerdy! He has got to be black with sluts!
No he's quite the virgin, no sex with an old text, I wrap it up!

Hopp! Vi kör väl först till 7 och motivera gärna era svar. Om det är något som ni inte förstår med texten så får ni gärna fråga innan ni röstar, vi svarar så gärna! Fridens!