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TNS VS Leonelli [Rond 2, 8 bars, engelska]

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2007-06-11 16:38

TNS VS Leonelli [Rond 2, 8 bars, engelska]

Här kommer den andra ronden


I´ll step in this ring - fuck you up n´ laugh//

Step out as king, with you slaughtered as a calf//

arabic style - can you imagine all the scenes?//

fucked up n´ raw - I´m the one huntin´ your dreams//

like saida - I can predict what your vomit words will say//

cause´ you´r the type of whigga that always drops it ´same way//

but how in heaven could you call this a war?//

when even a "p7" would leave your face in the floor....//


step in, to the ring, and I'll swing, and I win, like last time

you get eaten by me like an insect get eaten by a reptile

this clown wanted a second round even though he can't rhyme

dont make a sound, about you bein king when I just got crowned

if this was a war you'd be a civillian and I would be a tank

your chances to win is less than a million, cuz of me you get spanked

I can also predict the future, yeah I'm a motha fuckin' psychic

and I predict that my shit, can kill you so now it's time for you to die bitch

Leonelli ville gärna att jag skulle ta med det här

förklaring för dom som inte förstår engelska men som vill rösta ändå.

(vill inte vara kaxig men jag såg en snubbe kommentera en battle;

 "my flow" och "die bro" rimmer ju inte ens...")

Arabic style - araber slaktar djur med en kniv genom strupen.

Saida - kärringen som var synsk.

Whigga - white nigger :)  

"P7" - åldern som står efter namnet.

Det var hans lilla meddelande, jag skulle snarare säga att dom som inte kan engelska; rösta inte! Men men here we go!

Okej först till 7 får det väl bli då! Börja rösta gott folk!