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TNS vs. Daniel-Blade [8 bars ENG]

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2007-02-14 19:29

TNS vs. Daniel-Blade [8 bars ENG]

TNS (bergaunit)

Blade are afraid so he tryna' evade TNS

you can see his face fade, see and guess,

who's the winner here? F that man, you got the answer

he's a beginner queer, his shit is worse than a disaster

LKPG, you see I'm from the same town as he

but he ain't got that fresh and hot sound as me

man are you thick? don't even start to pick

pick on me, man it's just jealousy, little bitch



Diablo himself is inferior to me, I'm your worst nightmare
I deliver throat-punchlines, I'll understand if you're scared
Deep-throat-punchlines, just open your mouth and swallow
Man you're worse than just braindead, your head is hollow!
I'll swing my aluminum baseball bat and crush your skull
It won't make a difference, you were already thoughtless and dull
Piss in your mouth as you're gasping for your dying breath
Hustle a few bucks black-marketing the few teeth you had left

**Vafan äre för skumt me din text, TNS? Du måste ordbehandlat den, skumma radavstånd**

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A historian is a prophet in reverse