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2006-11-07 15:30


 Från maniiiac / battle

check this boy, lame as a fucking homo toy//
me vs you its only one way out, u straight out//
punsh in your face, haha please diont use your pussy ass mase//
man look why u trippin, dont get at me cuz your mom is a flat//
and cuz your father use a faggot as hat//
you cant beat me, im on the top of the hill//
fuck you faggot, stop making me ill//
this will be the end off the ride, boy hit me back and stop fucking around!//
its a rap, your boddy is dead, your sis, mom i shot them all in the head!

från xxxx5

yeah yooo im a homo toy dont talk about yourself//
referie you can ring the bell//
this one i won//
bitch now im nice//
you say ass//
bitch the only fuck you got was whit your mom and its was fast//
you want to take a bath in your shit bitch//
han the maiiiac hupsidedown klick klack BANG officer down//
you aint gonna feel a thing//
i hit you whit the magic ring this aiiint over//

för om du gör så igeeen så kommer jag motherfuckin tjalla så duu vet det biiaaatttch!

först till 5 ;)

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