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2006-11-05 05:57

TNS VS Rap-Beef


Victory, where's da rhymes , where's da passion
man your clothes is ugly, like some kinda "jungle-fashion" /
Come on shorty post something useful, didn't even get affended by your text
Oh little gangsta, runnin 'round with a knife, what's next ? /
Man u ain't gangsta, you're a little chickenhead
U want beef, don't blame me if u lie on your town's mainstreet, DEAD /
I'm the defenition of half man, half god, the world hasnt ever seen a wonderchild like this
Hot girls all 'round the place, what's your name little Miss. ?
When I enter the room, all girls going wild, when u enter everyone whispers about who that gay boy is /


haha I can't stop laughin at you rap-beef

you didn't wrote your text by yourself geek

my clothes is ugly, you haven't even seen me

you think you gonna win, dream G

you didn't even get affended by my shit

well it must been cuz I hadn't send you something bitch

oh little gangsta runnin around with a knife

what the fuck are you talkin about

you better shut your fuckin mouth

and maybe write something by yourself

man you are so bad that you had to get help

yo listen you are the defenition

of a half bitch half ho who drop the soap on purpose in prison

here's my ass, start kissen

you win, haha yeah wishen

you hoped on a victory

bitch I kill you and then you are history

IF you win it's not a mystery

then it's your friends who voted for you ho

cuz everybody know that you didn't write that fo' so'

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