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2006-10-18 20:36

Qase VS Mr.Fadio

Here we go, you want to diss me mr. fadio//

im gonna fuck you in the ass until it blow exactly like lil moe//

over to the rapping shit, you aint got no style or flow//

would've been better if you got some lessons, before you told me let's go//

problem in the paradise couse your girl gave me a blowjob//

i blast her mouth, next time it will be yours, I can hear your heart throb//

sow young with this beard always ugly as same//

be careful so bush wont believe that you are saddam hussien//

you always talk about that you had grown up in the hood//

a house in the forest man I think you have misunderstood//

dont get an outbreak, I know I have fucked your luck//

feel stuck, couse the reason was to set you up, word up//


Yoo qase, Is that you? Cause it's an nasty name, //

and I want to kill you now, thats my new aim//

So please dont think that you'r smart// but if you want, you can be the on to start//

Cause im not normal, I dont have a fucking heart//

Now you thought that you made me mad?//

Fuck it, your a little bitch and a fag//
I wish I would be like President Saddam Hussein//

Cause, he got something you don't, and that's a working BRAIN

You wood wish that you got something like my girl,//

but the only one you can get, thats Mr Earl//

I know you are a virgin, And you are gay, //

Fuck lil Moe, for me thats okej,// so please have a nice day// Cause Im in charge and thats MY way//!!!

det här är en friend battle!
Komigen rösta försten till 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rubriken editerad av DinKritiker 19.10.2006 18:16
