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Mr. Fadio Vs LiL Moe

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2006-10-13 23:58

Mr. Fadio Vs LiL Moe

Ska påpekas att det är första gången för Fadio som är ny här.. och igentligen ville han köra på svenska men de blev som de blev. 

Rösta Nu Försten Till 7 Vinner!

Mr. Fadio

Yoo Dvarf, or Lil Moe// ,
I can get you a hoe//,

But, I Ai'nt gone be sow low//,

But you need som Bitches,//

but noone want's you, exept for Theese witches.//(dogs)

What about that dude//,

but i Think this witches (dogs) will get diskusen

When they se you all nude//
You are a Gayeater,//
and no please I ain't gone get you a teacher//

When yore mum got you, and saw what a fucked up kid you were//

She wicht that you never Belongd to her//.

And now on, you will call me SIR//

LiL Moe

That's my bitch, Mr. Fadio but fuck him Though//
he's just a Newbie, that thinks he's fly couse he got Whoa//
while I'm like a veteran MC, that knows how to Glow//
Soo, Listen, you don't Know who you're Messin' With//
couse ain't no Competition when I'm Dissin' your Shit//
and you make Rhythm And Poetry, sound like a screaming Baby/
bitch, the way you sound you're either Tipsey or New//
I'll fuck You like Hitler would fuck up a Gipsey or a Jew//
That's my Bitch, Fadio, the one that does what I want him to do//
the one that, looks like he belong to the monkeys at the zoo//
bitch, here's some advice, next time u wanna mess with me, think Twice//
then wright something Nice, couse later on you'll have to pay the Price//

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