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SaMo^ Vs. godlovesugly Te 7 =)

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2006-07-28 14:42

SaMo^ Vs. godlovesugly Te 7 =)

first i fuck the songs about the shiits u say
u diss my girl , but u know i got a bitch , your gay
come on fatboy, drop the mic, u vs me come on,Fight!
meat me out side the town tonight,
Fucking Bitch i will beat you Fucking asshole
just english ? who said so ?
Kom igen visa dina skills "zko"
Ser dig o alla dina homies som en liten skithög
spelar tuff o shiit * ouff jag e skit hög *
riktiga ordet som beskriver dig : Fag

whats up with that shiet that you wanna battle me?
fuckin' retard, kid join the wack rap-accademy
you fuck my songs? well i fucked your girl
"jag spelar tuff o shiit", som 2pac; fuck the world
you faded, now you're hated - i whoop this rat
so fuck you it's officiall - SAMOPO CAN'T RAP
he's crap, and that's it youre now my bitch
can you read? then read my lips.... bitch

Jaja te 7...

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