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Spellen vs enlitenluffare (engelska)

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2006-06-08 13:08

Spellen vs enlitenluffare (engelska)


aiight spellen, u wanna fuck with me?//
I'm gonna kick your as like you were wee-man and I bruce lee//
don't try to stop me, because í´m a lunetick//
I´m going to use u like a doll and do my favouritetrick//
bend your arms around your head//
the pain makes u wanna already be dead//
cut of your toes and use them like my doorbell//
this has just started, wait to u get to see hell//


Little Jesper, i dont wanna fuck you cause i don't fuck whore's.//
And after this battle 7-0 will be the scores. //
You cut my toes off with what? your little knife? //
I'll Bring my chainsaw and fuck up your life. //
I'll punch you in the face a milion times until you bleed. //
hah. you tryed to diss me but you never succeed. //
You use my toes because you can't afford a doorbell. //
Diss me again and i will send you straight to hell. //