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Zanka_Man Vs GonzalesJr

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2005-12-27 03:27

Zanka_Man Vs GonzalesJr


im tierd to see all the wanabies freestyling on the streets
with there wack ass beats trying to be mc`s.
You think that you are a better raper an me
so let see whose the better mc.
You are just a wanabie fool,
who trying to be cool,
try to do something with your shit
before you get smackt up with my fist.


Im no wannabe but im frestyling on the street
dont understand why you even call yourself mc?
bitch i slap you with my flipflops
go back to hippop leave what you call hiphop
Beat me? Who? He?
Dont think so man your just ugly
you look like a shemale i smack you up
watch the mouth before you drop

Först til 10 vinner! RÖSTA

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