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Illuminati VS. Eken

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2005-12-12 15:10

Illuminati VS. Eken


Im about to crack the branches of an oak and vanquish,
Cause damage! blindfolded and left handed,
i'll give an advantage now vanish you ugly savage,
Im freestyling right now! But still you can't manage,
Did your brain tell you not to pass the time limit.
5 minutes.Your lyrical content had no diss in-it!?
Do whatever you do in your room
fuck barbie toons,gurgle sperm of spoons,
Slit your wrists,jack off then cry to T.A.T.U,
You fat bitch!im just gonna slap your butt and ride the waves,
watch how I behave Screaming!....................Surfing 9;U.S.A!!!


I'm the doctor of laws and the judge of your faith.
I got no respect at all for your psycho state.
Disturbance of equilibrium is my middle name.
It weighs down on my soul sending you out of the game.
But I'll give you a chance to get in it again.
Just bring me down using disyllabics and pain.
Please, do me a favor and answer this right off.
Cause like the broken leg of a chair we all got enough.

-Sweets for the Sweet-