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2005-12-12 11:51

Eken VS Jerka


You're a consumer of bad lines, an unknown celebrity.
You jerk of to animal planet and that bitch felicity.
You've met the grand duke of this thing called rap.
I'm sorry to announce man, you don't have a sqwat.
I got the power of perception and I've made up my mind.
You're a putrefactivve bacteria of the worst kind.
The occasion of contamination is when you open your mouth.
We will throw you out like a over-consumed couch.


A coward tries to say something, shut up with the bark
I read your bars, now I feels like a Question mark
Sometimes I see Animal Planet, a 24/7 show of you
I laugh like hell when I see you and your animal crew!
Think about all the shit you said you made up in mind
Sorry that I felt asleep when I read your first line
It doesn’t matter, I don’t care about a retard
I kill you now and get like 5 crowns reward…

först till 7!

Realize me...
Realize Worlds....