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2005-11-24 14:28

Spex VS Oskar44


Oskar; sit back and relax, grab your nervethreads
'Fore I enter the room and slap that ass with a churchbench
Face it, I'm a furious rattlesnake, your a humble ladybug
'Cause to battle Spex is like wiping your ass with papercuts
Bound to come out with your hands in your pants and back bent
Ten fast bars and I'm leaving your name in past tense
Your mom - $10, sister - $15, leaving your face priceless
I'll win automatically if you even attempt to rhyme Spex
On like flex, so no need to put my mind on this
Fucktard, you should pay me for just taking my time to diss


So I rap like religion, my bar's are fundamental
Here's my divine fist, and here's a free dental
I spit holy water, banishing bars, beat-box ya'back
I go undercover like real men, and do a stealth attack
I rip ya' head off, use yo' skull as a coffee mug
Put a straw in yo' nostril, n' bubble like a real thug
Allright, so back to divinity. I skilled * infinity
Ya' got less balls then yo' alter ego Trinity
Second bar to the last, I exit like we're used too
One finger high, I salute ya' with a FUCK YOU!

"Yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes."
5 hour's later, I'll be there in 5 minutes.