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ThaRizzla vs Spinninya

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2005-09-18 13:14

ThaRizzla vs Spinninya


whaaaaat? i am battling a girl, who got flowcast like merlin??//
probably not, i am battling the backward, who got bad rhymes like a Verlin//
ts like that u deserve, to have ya cranium wellded into a curb//
your in need of a nurse, coz u mite be mentally disturb//
Lesson one, stop battling, lay the mic down, u are unbearble in
Your red liquid, who is streaming in ya vains, is about to stop//
U gave the meaning of "screaming like a girl" a new purpose//
Just give me the mic honey, coz ya wack bullshit is worthless//


ever been abroad? cause your english is fucked up
little too slow, better be not be pissin in that cup
cause then everyone'll now you're a stonehead fo sho
you thought i would be nice and let the mic go?
man, if you'd just had been nice, quiet and cool
I would've just maybe sucked your dick ya fool
but now I change my mind, fatty, cause you're beeing too rude
man, when we went to dinner you went like "are ya eating that food?"

Complaining at my english may not me be your best move//
my rhymes will twist you up like a rubix cube//
Yeah i really think, you should let the mic go//
coz it sounds like u strangle a cat, ya wack hoe//
I never went to dinner, with this twat//
This bullshit you deliver, is deserving a swat//
I just fuck you up, and leave you with a paper note//
In this battle, u dont even get a a single vote//
maybe i am little bit fatty, but at least i dont have my own gravity field//
U are so fat that you rullover with your wheelchair that u cant even wield//

you think you ran me over but, hey, i'm still standing
i waited til i was sober so i could do this little hand in
it took me like forever to even sit down and take a look
but at least i have a life and i ain't stealing from a rhyme-book
lame-ass-Magnus-Uggla-style, that's how you do this battle
i checked you're file, farmer-boy, batter hurry and collect your cattle
and hey, i saw you once, shouting Sieg HEIL and "you HOE!"!
but I just figured, in Skellefteå, that's the way you say Hello
this is stupid, man, who you think they gonna vote for?
with you as the only option, they'll take me i'm pretty sure

(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny to your signature to help him on his way to world domination