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me2 vs. Rainmaker!

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2005-08-24 21:54

me2 vs. Rainmaker!

10 rader Engelska, oberoende.
Först till sju.

it's my desire, to wrap your neck around with wires/
run you over with tires, or make you shower in fires/
you're a style-taker, pedophile child raper/
but I dont hate ya, cuz there cant be a worse fate than your first date/
but wait, I can help set you straight/
here's what you do, conversate, compliment her weight/
fuck romance and her plans, just ask her for a dance/
and when you get the chance, offer her the little lance/
that's what I did to your bitch/
she got left in a ditch after makin my dick itch/

All that bullshit you're spittin... do you think I give a shit?
What did you have for breakfast? Carnation Instant Bitch?
Say what? You're meaningless, like an unwritten book
I felt like rippin out my eyes after witnessing your looks
You are no man in my eyes, more like a masculin girl
So rin-tin-tin, you're dancing like an idiot around in a swirl
You are the only thing that have been held back in evulution
You can't even make fire with a stick so hear my evil conclusion
... dude, I dont want you to explain yourself...
Just accept your faith and go practise safe sex, go fuck yourself

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