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JoTo v.s. NinjaTRU

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2005-03-08 19:27

JoTo v.s. NinjaTRU

8 bars, Valfritt språk, 7 röster....

Yo Ninjatru, You think are tight, yes you are, just as my pillow//
You battled me, now you want to jump out of the window//
Call me whatever you want, You are still a homo//
Do whatever you want later but dont say, "Im sorry JoTo"//
Why do you call yourself ninja? Where are your reflexes//
My punches hits you, and your rhymes decreases//
In my last two bars I will make you see stars//
By cutting you with lyrics, and they will give you scars//

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold