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Schlick Vs. Blizzak

Vår Hiphop - Battle & Cypher


2004-11-21 23:10

Schlick Vs. Blizzak


ya call yaselves rappers, thats incorrect!
cuz ya only posted lyrics on the internet!
i state it clear to avoid any interprent;
im so cold that when i came even winter went!

like whoa? fuck you, you all suck like hoes!/
i dont know who you try to be, anyway you´re not close!!!/
spittin hot shit? bullshit you just ate a bag of nachos!!!/
cockroach, diss me on the net n see my ten knuckles upclose!!/
My only approach is to confront and shatter, for the matter of fact/
were ya come from does´nt matter, so stay with ya band in the back low!/
or wind up with fractures, broken bones and a cracked nose!/
(try to give me defeat, well we´ll see how that goes!!)
you dropped heavy shit?, did you just screw-up the gravity??!!!(gimme clarity)/
cuz biggest problem you had when you grew up was cavity(I guarantee)/
speakin bout drug abuse? well ya drink coffee cuz theres caffine in!!/
when you say your shit is lose you´re actually just in need of a napkin (kid!)/
hiphop is a fucked thing, there´s just namby-pambies in, yeah what the fuck is happening?!/
Stop actin bitch! you´re out of this game, now go pack ya things!!!/
and leave us in the top who really act like kings!,/
(Or die in battle with the only real vikings!)

ya call yaselves rappers, thats incorrect!
cuz ya only posted lyrics on the internet!
i state it clear to avoid any interprent;
im so cold that when i came even winter went!

livin life "properly" dissin people with money and property/
probably ya all own PC´s so honestly do you really call that poverty?!/
obviously you hate the US but still fallow their sitdown comedies!/
Know ´bout Russia and China, still proud to call yaself a communist!/
i see ya on the streets, adrenaline is pumpin through my arteries/
if you aint already running then you should start atleast!/
like an athlete, cus i aint givin up till you find it hard to breathe!/
(i will beat till ya damn heart cant beat!)
the situation is sick and its getin sicker!/
ya dickhead demonstratin ´gainst capitalism and scream out ya ideas/
but still go and buy a new timepeice and the latest nikes (and tight jeans)/
claimin that thin models creatin bad beauty ideals/
but still get ya hard on for a bigboobed bitch in highheals!/
now bitch, go do the only thing you know: programming!/
cuz what you can offer to hihop is just simply not a god-damn-thing!!!/
(when you talk like a thug even god´s laughing!)

ya call yaselves rappers, thats incorrect!
cuz ya only posted lyrics on the internet!
i state it clear to avoid any interprent;
im so cold that when i came even winter went!
ya call yaselves rappers, thats incorrect!
cuz ya only posted lyrics on the internet!
i state it clear to avoid any interprent;
im so cold that when i came even winter went!

(i wont ask you any more fuckin questions faggetasses!
simply cuz i dont wanna hear ya fagget-answers
Nwhn i threat ya take it just as another promiss!!
or shut the fuck up and make sure you stay anonomous!
i will always diss ya, now call yaself a christian
in case there actually is a place called hell
bring you hardest thug, im always harder!
you are a fuckin fuckface i will always be tuff!
now take your last breath cuz now i had about enough!!

ps. art and poetry are just bad excuses for being soft-bitchin-lame-fagget-rappers!

peace to no one!)

Texten slängde jag ihop inatt efter att jag tänkt lite och börjat inse hur jäfvla mycket jag hatar er whoa snubbar och hur jäfvla mycket jag hatar svenskar som kallar sig kommunister för att dom vill bli omtyckta och vill att folk ska se på dom som snälla. Hatar er som klankar ner på folk som efter liv i fattigdom ser en chans att komma ur det genom att bara kompromissa lite med skivbolag.

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
---Albert Einstein