LuffarN - What you all mean to me (session)
Min andra låt på engelska, vet att uttalet inte är de bästa men jag försöker... Show me some love whoa !!!
Länk: Länk till
Text: Mom and dad i love you both, and i will always do/ For everytime, everything we been through/ Got me thinking of life, cuz you ain't here forever/ So i'm writing you a letter in hope, you stay forever/
My sisters - your the light in the dark/ Don't need a flashlight because i see whit my heart/ I know sometimes i can be really mean/ So i'm sorry for that! - i'm gonna make a change/
My brother, i don't see you wery often/ And if you got a problem, i'm here to solve it/ Cuz when i was little, you teach me everything/ I hope you can see how much you mean to me/
And all my friends, i'm so happy that i got you/ Persons to rely on, persons to relate to/ But one guy, i think you allready know/ Jonas Hammarberg, man I Love You the most/
Piiiz N Love !!
(Inlägget ändrat av Rainmaker 2009-05-01 13:29:37)