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Jimi - Technical Problems [Fish Entertainment]

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2008-05-08 11:27

Jimi - Technical Problems [Fish Entertainment]

Yo evry1
ny låt här då.

Länken har ni --->här!

Langar upp text.

every desition make us to who we are,
ha, I must be nothin' cause that's where I've come this far
everytime I speak, I speak for you to listen
I'm not a politishan cause they speak for you to kiss em

You must not make up you mind, do like this and diss 'em
every locked up prison has it's own rules
like every paper has it's own news, it's on you
how you wanna live up your life, how you want to be true

If it's was on me, I probebly wouldn't need to stand here
if I didn't had to preatch, I'd still have my mind clear
Step up your game Miley, I got most of my life here
still I want to move 'cause it's some idiots around here
 I allways .....................
(Technical problems:
Hey, why is the beat slowing down?
Yo! Helllo?)

I don't care what you make of me
as long I don't see what you see
If I see what you see closly
I would have to kill myself

how  the fuck can you stand to be you?
you look in the mirror and the mirror breaks itself in two
take a hitch, meanwhile take with you my bitch
I can't stand her allways treating my car like shit

it has feeling too you know
oh no, then you don't mind me calling u2 a hoe?
this is a one man show like two and a half men
I'm off the hook, like crook without his left hand

(Technical problems:
Argh, what now? What?
Just find an other beat!
WTF, this aint a beat..
eeerh. okay
Sorry folks  but seams like it's some technical problems.
Enjoy your flight.)

Ganska simpel text men ni kan ju droppa lite kritik :) pz

Slingan i slutet stå Kepi för!!

"I put up my middle finger, he puts up a finger,
I say fuck Christina he says fuck Christina but meaner."