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TNS - I Don't Wanna Brag But....

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2007-05-24 21:32

TNS - I Don't Wanna Brag But....

Hejsan Hoppsan! Lite skrytrap för skojs skull bara..



I don't wanna brag, but I'm sharp as a hook nail

bitches love me like old ladies loves a book sale

eyo my flow is heavenly and my lyrics is divine

I don't care what you say to me, on the beat I shine

and yes I'm whitey, but I'm verly likely, the best

yeah the mighty mighty get's an A+ on this test

so don't act, like you don't love my shit

you know I'm phat and I've got a fuckin' gift

eyo T to the N to the motha fuckin' S

I said T to the N to the S

Talanted, Neat and Superb yo

eyo listen

the words I'm flippin' and if you trippin'

cuz I'm the fuckin' shit then, fuck you man

don't hate

I don't need your opinon

boys, girls, men or women, TNS has left the buildin'

But don't worry, he'll be back yo

yeah he's young but he is phat though

oh man he's not like you, just a wack ho