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Kara - Insanity [Politik?]

Vår Hiphop - Audio & Video


2006-10-23 22:44

Kara - Insanity [Politik?]

Ny låt inspelad @ Kulturatom i Angered
Orkar inte skriva mycket, ni får bedöma själva...

ftp://kara:[email protected]/Kara - Insanity.mp3

Beat: Kara
Text: Kara
Vers/refräng: Kara

ftp://kara:[email protected]/Kara - Insanity.mp3




Insanity, I get into your brainwaves dynamically

Spit shit like freak flows, I kill you verbally

Corrupt minds control worlds silently

Bomb innocent houses kill each other tactically

Cut the crap, I see through your façade 

Like 7 million Jews loose belief in their god

Fool me once then shame on me

Fool me twice and I'll show you insanity

Poetry of HipHop flows out of my heart

I don't know where to begin, don't know where to start

I can make happy songs bout' sun and rain

But all I'm feeling now is a lot of hatred and pain

Victims in middle east long for peace

When will the war stop, when will the battle seize

What is religion if you gotta die for your belief

Lack logic, so a new faith is conceived

Look up to the sky and the shining stars

Danger round' the corner when darkness falls

What do you believe in at the end of the night

Refuse to give your life without to put up a fight

Hear me, the dawn of a new era approaches

Governments crushed like boots on cockroaches

Tellin' the truth, you refuse to hear me

Where be the god you can see so clearly


We're going through dark times and shadowy fields

Awaiting a better day when the sunshine heals

That day when war stops and peace is now

That day when everything comes together somehow

Meanwhile I'm cracked up, packed up,

Fed up with this bullshit of crisis and bad luck

Insanity the way they manipulate your brain

Put you in chains, prophesy will make you go insane


One to the two and we're coming for you

Three to the four and we started a war

Five to the six yeah we do it for kicks

Seven to the eight and we know it's too late

Long lost soldiers wish for resurrection

Races put into sections no affection

Playin' your mind like a fictional illusion

Fuck the institution we need a revolution

Sky is darkening, pain awaits

You can hear the bombs but you can't see straight

There's dust everywhere, tower collapses

People screamin', panic, your heartbeat maxes

Help the helpless and curse the heartless

Sing out loud for the worlds voiceless

Seek affiliation avoid detection

Association, blind assassination

Whispers in the air, it's a mothers cry

Son lost to a war, now she wishes to die

Children murdered, now angels up in the sky

Join the army and you can too fly so high

Starving children dying in vain

Women abused and you know it's insane

Politic stalking, yeah now we talking

World is awaking, evolution in making



Life is short, live it!